This cute paper plate fish craft started out as a VBS classroom activity. But really, there are lots of lesson plans where you can incorporate this easy paper plate fish activity. Children can decorate the fish in a multitude of ways; crayons, paints, glitter paint and so on. These colorful fish are a cute way to decorate a classroom bulletin board or simply add a magnet to the back (of a smaller plate) for a take-home refrigerator decoration.

Paper Plate Fish Supplies
- White paper plate – any size plate will do
- Craft glue
- Scraps of colorful tissue paper
- Paints or markers
- Google eyes
- Scissors
- Any other embellishments for decorating
Start out by painting the paper plate and then let it dry completely. Save a step and a bit of clean-up by using a colorful paper plate. I’ve found a multitude of great colors for 6″ plates at the Dollar Tree.
Add a little math lesson here: Determine the center of the plate by doing a quick horizontal and vertical measurement. Mark this spot with a pencil. Take a square paper with a 90° edge to the center of the plate. Mark and then cut out a 1/4 section of the plate. This is a good math lesson for older children that are learning about fractions.
Otherwise, let children free-form cut out a section of the plate to use for the mouth and tail.
Use a stapler, glue or tape to attach the cut out section of the plate for the tail.
Children can now decorate the fish using glue and scrunched up bits of colorful tissue paper. Embellish the fish further by adding a few sequins or some glitter glue. Finish it off with a large google eye.
This is a great activity for bible study and VBS Vacation Bible School. Tell a story (A Net Full of Fish) or read a scripture relating to the sea or catching fish.
Older children my like the Jesus Crown with Disciple Fish Activity.