Free printable Homework Pass to use in your classroom. Give this pass to students for a job well done. The homework pass can then be used in place of one homework assignment.
Children will love the brightly colored, fun alien images! Teachers can sign the homework pass and hand out to students as a reward for good behavior, a job well done or even as a birthday or holiday treat!

There are five different designs for each page of the homework passes. Print as many pages as you need for your students. These cute designs are great to use for elementary aged students.
All you need to do is select the Homework Pass link and once the PDF document appears, select the print option and the number of pages you would like to print. The designs and text show up the best when printing on plain white printer paper. Cut the passes apart on the gray line, sign and hand out a free printable homework pass to your students for a special occasion.
Another No-Homework Freebie!
Want something more specific for just your class?
Select the New Custom Homework Pass where you can create unique Homework Coupon for your students by adding an image and 6 lines of text. The Homework coupons will print 4 per page.
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Teachers, be sure to check out the Personalized Bookmarks Pages for Kids and other Back to School printables and activities for children.
Also see:
Classroom Bookmarks and Handouts for Open House.