This is a great voting tool for your classroom. Furthermore, it can can be used for all ages, from kindergarten to high school. Basically, teachers and parents can customize these printable voting ballots for any class activity or lesson plan.
Children can vote for a candidate or just about any topic of your choice. Moreover, it’s easy to customize these ballots by selecting a different heading and a title to match your class project. For each ballot, you can add up to 4 voting choices, which can be candidates names, or a survey. For a write-in option, just type in a row of underscore for a blank line. This is a great printout to use for a classroom election. The November elections will be here before you know it.

How to Create and Print Ballots:
Ready to make print some ballots? Start by selecting the Printable Voting Ballots. This link will take you to the interactive Ballots page on Activities for Kids. Next, follow the simple directions where you can enter in the information you would like to show up on your personalized ballots. Activities for Kids will not retain any information you enter. Feel free to print as many ballots as you need for your classroom or group. These full color ballots for kids will print 4 per page.
To vote in America is considered to be a privilege. Therefore, it is important to teach children early on that voting is a fair way to for a group of people to make decision or select a leader.
Additionally, here are other popular educational printouts for kids that you might find helpful for your child or classroom:
Finally, I hope you enjoyed these free printable ballots for kids. For more ideas and Activities for Kids, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.