A pretty crown for your little prince or princess. This is an easy craft that kids can do for a party or just for fun. There are two different crown templates that are Free to print out. A DIY Princess Crown is a good group activity for a Princess themed party.
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Craft foam
- Printer paper
- Sequins for decorating
- Craft glue
- Shoe lace
- Crown Template

- Print out the Crown Template on the printer paper.
- Have the children use the crown template to trace and cut out of the craft foam. Two styles are on the one template, with or without the circles on the points.
- Punch two holes on opposite ends of the crown as shown above.
- Insert a shoelace through the holes. I used an inexpensive multi-pack from the dollar store. Ribbon can also be used.
- Have the children decorate their crowns with sequins, puff paint, markers or any other crafting items.
- To wear the crown, pull the loose ends of the lace until the crown is secure on the child’s head and tie the two ends together.
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