It is so cute when kids write about their parents. Things you adults not think about, but are observed by a child come out when they are asked to answer questions ‘About My Mom’. This cute keep-sake card can be printed out for an individual child or a classroom.

A one page printable that folds into a tri-fold card that kids can also color and decorate. Younger children may need a little help writing the words, but this is a great way to practice writing.
Once folded, the card is the perfect size to fit into a standard size envelope.
What You Will Need
- Printer paper
- Crayons or colored pencils to decorate the card
- Scissors
- Printout for About My Mom Card
Creating the Card
- Print out the one page printable for About My Mom Card.
- Cut out the rectangle of the card out along the outer gray line.
- With crayons or colored pencils, have the child draw a picture either of their mom or something from their home that is special to them.
- Children can fill in the blanks with descriptions of their mom.
- Fold the card as indicated. The first fold is between the front picture and the body of the card. Fold again on the dotted gray line to create the tri-fold card with the picture on the top.
You can also find the following printable cards: ‘About My Dad‘, ‘About My Teacher‘, ‘About My Grandma‘, ‘About My Grandpa‘.
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