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Analogous Colors Craft

This Analogous Colors Craft is the next step of understanding the color wheel once the concept of primary colors is understood. Colors next to each other on the color wheel, Analogous colors, present a calmer more harmonious blend then the bold contrast of primary colors.

Analogous Colors Craft
Analogous Colors – blue, green and yellow

Analogous Colors of Blue, Green, Yellow

This is a simple art craft introducing the concept Analogous Colors to children. I chose the primary colors of blue and yellow with their secondary color of green.

Other color combinations might be with the primary colors of blue and red and the secondary color of purple. The third option is with the primary colors of yellow and red with the secondary color of orange.

Since analogous colors are any combination of colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel, you can also use the combination of two secondary colors and one primary color.

Analogous Colors Supplies
Analogous Colors Supplies – blue, green and yellow paper

You will need construction or printer paper in the three colors that you choose as well as a ruler, scissors and glue. I used a small plastic container, measuring 3″ in diameter to make the center shape. Measure, then cut the background paper into a 6″ square. The blue (primary color) construction paper was used in this example.

Next, cut the other primary color (yellow) into 1″ squares. You will need between 16 – 18 squares depending on whether you fill in squares behind the secondary color shape. With the paper for the secondary color (green) cut out the shape you would like to use (circle).

Analogous Colors Craft Step 2

Find the center of the background paper (blue) and trace the circle. Glue down the 1″ squares so that they form a checkerboard pattern. It isn’t necessary to add squares to the center portion that will be covered by the circle.

Once all the yellow squares have been glued in place, glue down the shape (circle) for the secondary color in the center.

Analogous Colors Craft Step 3

Now you have created artwork using analogous colors to show the smooth transition from primary to secondary colors.

About Theresa Johnston

Activities For Kids has been an on-going passion of mine since 1998. I'm a long-time Orlando resident and huge Disney Fan! Prior guide for and current editor for I hope you enjoy the crafts, recipes and ideas that you find here.