Ahoy, Mateys! Are you looking for some fun Pirate Birthday Party Ideas? What about some inexpensive ideas that will keep the party within a reasonable budget.
Pirate Birthday Party Ideas from Activities for Kids:
- Whatever invitations you choose, be sure to check out Post Like a Pirate, where you can easily translate your text into pirate speak.
- Start with free printable Ahoy Mateys! Free printable Pirate Party Invitations from Activities For Kids.
- Print out Thank you cards for kids using the same theme design. There are three options to choose from – two fill in the blank and one with blank lines for a personal note. Another option is to attach a thank you note to the goodie bags: Goodie Bag Thank You Notes.
- Message in a bottle – write or print out the party info on paper, fold and insert into small empty (clean & dry ) water bottles. Include a couple tablespoons of sand in the bottle. Seal and hand deliver.
- Create Custom Banners to use at the party. Several shapes to choose from – enter any letters or symbols that you choose.
- As the children arrive, outfit them with a colorful bandana, and eye patch (made out of black fun foam and attach with thin elastic.)
- Booty Bag – Purchase a package of men’s small or children’s plain white tube socks. Weave a white shoelace through the top of the sock for a drawstring. Write each child’s name on one sox. When they arrive they can attach their booty bag to their belt loop, and use it to store their party treasure.
- Have any leftover Mardi Gras Beads? This is a great time to pull them out and use for party decorations.
- Fish Sticks, Cannon Balls (meat balls) or Chicken Nuggets
- Deviled eggs
- Goldfish crackers
- Root ‘Beer’, Ginger ‘Ale’
- Magic Potion Drink
- Jell-o Gems – Using the recipe for Jello Gigglers and an ice cube tray as a mold. Create a platter full of richly colored ‘gems.’
- Water balloon Wars – Divide the group into two teams. Each team will have their own pirate ship (decorated cardboard boxes) . With an equal number of water balloons, let the teams take turns ‘firing the cannon’ at the other team.
- Walk the Plank – Start with a kiddie pool filled with water and toy alligators and sharks. Use cinder blocks on opposite ends of the pool to create a raised platform. Place a sturdy wood plank across the pool on the raised platform. Have the children take turns walking the plank. Note: For a non-pool party, fill the kiddie pool with sand and toy alligators.
- Walk the Plank – on dry land – Create a 2′ x 8′ plank, using sidewalk chalk in the driveway or masking tape on the carpet. Take turns blindfolding each player, turning them 3 times then release them at the start of the plank. Who ever can walk the furthers without falling off the plank” is the winner.
- ‘X’ Marks the Spot – Just like the game Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Using a large brown grocery bag, cut open and draw a treasure map. Print out and cut apart Pirate ‘X’s and Treasure Chest images. Glue the treasure chest near the center of the map. Attach tape to the back of each X, so that there is a sticky side out. Blindfold each child when it is their turn. (you know how this game works!)
- Buried Treasure – Use plastic coins that can later be traded in for foil wrapped chocolate coins or other prizes at the Booty Bank.
- Treasure Hunt – Great game for indoors or out. Use plastic gold and silver coins – even some leftover Mardi Gras beads. For gems, spray paint small (1″ to 2″) white stones red, blue and green. The children can use their Booty Bag to store their treasure. After the hunt children can turn in their coins and gems for prizes. You could also use small bright plastic Easter eggs as gems with a small prize inside.
- Pirate Flags – Use one of the images (triangle or banner) from the Custom Banners Page and copy on to different colors of fun foam. Let the children decorate their own Pirate Flag with markers.
- Movies – For a longer party (or if your outdoor activities get rained out) you may have them watch Peter Pan, Hook
or Blackbeard’s Ghost. After the movie, have a trivia contest with prizes. - Traditional Birthday Party Games for any birthday party, 12 Easy Games for Kid’s Parties.
- Use the Goodie Bag Thank You Note to create a message to attach to your goodie bags.
- Items to include in the goodie bags might be: a small compass, ring, tattoos, gem pop rings, candy necklaces, chocolate foil covered coins.
- Prizes won during the treasure hunt and put in their booty bag. (white tube sox)
- Small lego pirate sets.
Pirate Party Birthday Party Ideas from other Bloggers:
- Preview the DIY birthday party ideas that others have posted. See below. Be sure to leave happy comments if you like the party idea:)
- Do you have decorating ideas, party foods, games and ideas share? Help out other mom’s with your creative, fun ideas.
Do you have a great Pirate Party idea to share? Add your link here!
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