A simple holiday decoration for children to print and put together for your classroom or home. For this Happy Holidays Banner, I used red and green printer paper then strung together with red yarn. From the Custom Banners Page on Activities for Kids, you can create unique banners for any holiday or event. This Happy Holidays Banner shown below is made by using the the circle-line banner option from the Custom Printables Banner page. Once printed, it is cut out to look like an ornament. You can select any letter, number or special character along with a selection of fonts and colors that you choose to make your own custom Holiday Banner from the Custom Banners Page.

How to Create a Happy Holidays Banner
- Go to the Custom Banners Page and follow the online instructions. One letter will print per page. To create the banner in this example, see the print screen below for selections that I used. Alternate printing on red and green printer paper.
- Once printed, cut the circle out along the inner black line leaving about a 2-3″ tab at the top (where the two small circles are) to resemble the ornament’s top.
- With a hole punch, punch 2 holes in each banner where indicated by the two small circles.
- String the letters together as shown with decorative yarn or ribbon.
Need red printer paper and green printer paper? Order from Amazon for under $10.00 for 50 sheets of each color.

Other Ideas for a Holiday Banner
Other custom banner ideas might be: Welcome Winter, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (Chanukah). By overlapping different colors of printer paper or even heavy wrapping paper for a more decorative effect as shown in this Printable Halloween Banner.
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