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About My Teacher Printable Card

You never quite know what to expect from young children when asked to write ‘About My Teacher’. Children often view things different than adults and the results might be surprising and often quite funny. Young children often form a special bond with elementary school teachers. For some, they might be the first adult that is interested in their thoughts and ideas other than their parents.

About My Teacher Folding Card
Printable card for children to write about their teacher.

Teacher Appreciation Day is on the Tuesday of the first full week in May, but many celebrate the whole week as Teacher Appreciation Week.

Originally, I created the printable cards the cards ‘About My Mom‘, ‘About My Dad‘, ‘About My Grandma‘, ‘About My Grandpa‘ and thought About My Teacher might be a cute project for Teacher Appreciation Week. Teachers love to hear from their students.

Teachers have one of the most challenging as well as meaningful jobs. Positive notes from their students stating how much their teachers are appreciated also encourages children to have positive, respectful attitudes towards adults.

Supplies Needed

  • Printer paper, white paper works the best
  • Crayons or colored pencils to decorate the card
  • Scissors
  • Printout for About My Teacher Card

Putting the Cards Together

  • Print out the one page printable for About My Teacher Card. Print as many as needed for the classroom.
  • Have children cut out the rectangle of the card out along the outer gray line.
  • With crayons or colored pencils, have the child draw a special picture that is school related.
  • Children can fill in the blanks with positive descriptions of their teacher, classroom and school.
  • Fold the card as shown. The first fold is between the front picture and the body of the card. Fold again on the dotted gray line to create the tri-fold card with the picture on the top.

More: Another fun way to show appreciation is the Classroom Thank You Card. Each child can write a special note of thanks to their teacher. The ‘petals’ are gathered up to make a flower. Cute!

About Theresa Johnston

Activities For Kids has been an on-going passion of mine since 1998. I'm a long-time Orlando resident and huge Disney Fan! Prior guide for and current editor for I hope you enjoy the crafts, recipes and ideas that you find here.