How fun is this? A Gingerbread Ugly Christmas Sweater! Kids will have a blast creating an ugly (or cute) sweater for these little gingerbread cut-outs.

For a new spin on the Gingerbread Family, this post provides a printout for a Christmas Sweater! Now of course the sweater doesn’t really have to be ugly, it can be cute and colorful or a traditional classics like the yellow and black design for the Charlie Brown Sweater.
Turn the holiday Gingerbread person into a paper doll with interchangeable sweaters. What I love about this holiday craft is that there is no right or wrong way to decorate the ugly sweater, it will be fun and creative. First off follow the directions on the Gingerbread Family post then print out the Gingerbread Sweater Template for a paper doll type of clip on sweater which allows children to make several for their gingerbread person.
What You Will Need
- Printable PDF for the Gingerbread Sweater Template.
- Craft glue
- Scissors
- Items for decorating the sweater
- Printer paper – white or colorful
After you have your gingerbread person, it’s time for the sweater. Save a few steps by printing the sweater pattern directly on colorful printer paper of your choice. If you use white printer paper, then children can cut out the sweater pattern and trace to to construction paper or scrap-booking paper. Another simple option is to use holiday wrapping paper with a small design or stripe. I used snips of a cotton ball for the green sweater.
Complete your gingerbread person with a holiday Santa hat, winter beanie, or festive ribbon.
Be creative and have fun decorating each ugly sweater for your gingerbread person. Fold the tabs back so that the sweaters can be ‘dressed’ in their holiday Ugly Sweaters.
Looking to bake up some real gingerbread cookies? I haven’t tried it yet, but this recipe looks delicious! And they would also be fun to decorate.