Games to occupy the kids while in the car or on the go. Seven easy car games for kids on family vacations or just trips around town and a list of printable games. Select the Next button to view them all.
Odd or Even, What are the Chances?
This game is for two players. Have each child guess if there are ore license plates that end in an odd or even number. Plates that end in a letter do not count.
- Give each child a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, or something to mark with.
- Set a time limit, usually 10-15 minutes.
- Have one child look for plates that end in an odd number, and the other look for an even number.
- A tick mark or dash should be marked for each car they find. (For extra learning, have them group the marks in sets of 5)
- At the end of the time limit, have the children add up their marks. (Counting by 5’s if grouping was used)
Great ideas and I especially liked your “Are We There Yet” suggestions!