What You Will Need for Tug of War:
- 6 or more players – there should be an equal number for each team.
- Rope with the middle marked
- A center marking on the ground
Rules of the Game:
- If a team member sits or falls, the opposing team wins.
- The rope must remain below arms (can not go above the shoulders).
- Elbows must be above the knees.
Objective of the Game:
- To pull the opposing team past the center line.
How to Play Wall Ball:
- Two even teams hold opposite ends of the rope.
- The center line marked on the rope is directly over the center line marked on the ground.
- Both teams count off, “One, two, three, PULL” at which time all players use strength to pull the rope as hard as possible.
- Teams must pull a player from the other team over the center line. The first team to do so wins.