Try these free printable ballots for kids which you can customize and then print 4 per page.
Start out by selecting a design and then add a line for the heading. Enter up to 4 candidates or use the underscore key to make blank lines for writing in candidates.
This printable is perfect printout for teaching kids to vote. The font color you select will be for the ballot heading and last line of text, other lines will print in black. There are also ten border colors to choose from.
Steps to Create Printable Ballots for Kids
- Follow the following 7 steps to enter in your information.
- Once you select the submit button, you will be taken to a results page. If any mistakes were made, simply press the back button and modify.
- When the ballot has been created, select the print option from your browser and print as many pages as you need.
- Finally, cut the 4 ballots apart on the gray line.
Please note: Unfortunately, this page may experience problems unless it is displayed on a full sized monitor. Custom Ballots is an interactive program and does not produce a PDF documents, therefore different browsers may process the information differently. This page has been tested on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. No personal information is retained.
Note: This information is being passed to the website (non-blog) to produce the printable document.
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